from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long
x = bytes_to_long(b'ictf{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}')
print(69*x^2 + 42*x + 314159265358)
# 11579616830010600399932641971351067137758799841099537906925885183536730818623058070093057619806810857320199981348668999197653583956890465217095149031820045015395
what appears to be a quadratic is actually an xor operation equivalent to (69*x)^(314159265360 + 42*x)
we can just brute force this one
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long
stuffs = bytearray(b'h'*60)
n = 11579616830010600399932641971351067137758799841099537906925885183536730818623058070093057619806810857320199981348668999197653583956890465217095149031820045015395
def get_flag(inner: bytes):
return bytes_to_long(b'ictf{' + inner + b"}")
def calc(x):
return 69*x ^ 2 + 42*x + 314159265358
chars = bytearray(b"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_,[]{}-=_+,.<>/\\")
offset = -3
total = b""
while True:
offset += 3
lastbest = None
minimum = None
best = bytearray(3)
for char1 in chars:
for char2 in chars:
for char3 in chars:
stuffs[offset] = char1
stuffs[offset+1] = char2
stuffs[offset+2] = char3
done = abs(calc(get_flag(stuffs))-n)
if minimum is None or done < minimum:
lastbest = best.copy()
minimum = done
best[0] = char1
best[1] = char2
best[2] = char3
# print(minimum, chr(char1), chr(char2), chr(char3))
# little nudge in the right direction
if lastbest == b"xor":
best = bytearray(b"xor")
if lastbest == b"_th":
best = bytearray(b"_th")
total += best
if offset == 57:
print(b"ictf{" + total + b"}")
stuffs[offset] = best[0]
stuffs[offset+1] = best[1]
stuffs[offset+2] = best[2]